Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Week 6_Pre-Spring Break

Well it's been six full weeks of Barcelona "bliss," the weather is getting nicer and life is getting easier here in Catalunya. This weekend Alec, Mike, and I went to Gaudi's famous apartment complex, Casa Mila. The structure, if you have never seen it before, is very organic and wavy. The undulations on the facade inform us of an architecture free from the strict forms we see today. Gaudi certainly was not afraid of breaking away from the norm. To me, his architecture speaks of liberation from the restraints of society. He is creating an art form within his architecture; he is giving the people of Barcelona something more than a building, he is giving them something to be proud of. The roof of Casa Mila is an experience in and of itself. The chimney like statues, representing Catalonian soldiers give the roof character and a sense of awe with the background of Barcelona flanking all sides of the building.

Next week is our spring break; I will be visiting Paris, London, and Rome...it should be an adventure...

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